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[动态] 一个 Spoiler Junkie 收集的越狱第二季剧透

发表于 2007-3-2 22:07:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<strong><span class="tpc_title">一个 Spoiler Junkie 收集的第二季剧透(截至到22集大结局)-3月1日新增:第19集剧照+22集剧情!</span><br /></strong><span class="tpc_content"><div align="center"><font color="#ff0000"><strong><font size="4"></font></strong></font></div><div align="center"><font color="#ff0000"><strong><font size="4">各位XDJMS, 这个剧透帖子是我辛苦搜集/编辑/翻译/上传的,因为内容会被不断更新/修正,所以不希望被转来转去。</font><br /><br /></strong></font><br /><br /><font color="#00008b"><font size="2">Spoiler:在这个上下文里是‘剧透’的意思。<br />Junkie:瘾君子。<br />Spoiler Junkie:剧透狂~~~<br /></font></font></div><div align="center">------------------------------------------</div><br />我是那种看书要先看开头和结尾,最后看中间的人, 看PB也不例外。下面贴出来的是国外各个网站上关于<<越狱>>第二季的各式剧透。 有的相当可靠,有的则准确性待考。仅供大家参考~~~<br />如果大家对剧情有什么不满的话&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;</span>

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-2 22:08:29 | 显示全部楼层
<p><span class=\"tpc_content\"><font size=\"2\">*****笼统剧透专场******<br /><br />11月30日新增:<br />TWOP上的Arcfire说现在看来第二季还是只有22集,会拍到3月14日。第16集的剧本昨天(11月28日)才出来。12月8日又要开拍了。<br /><br /><font color=\"#ff0000\">1月10日新增 THE MAN关于越狱小分队伤亡情况的剧透:</font><br />by the end of ep 18&#46;&#46;&#46;there will only be 4 more escapees on the run!<br />到第18集?/19集?结束时,只剩下四个人仍在逃亡了!<br /><br />这么说来,除了将要在16集里挂掉的梵高,C-NOTE 同学也终于要退场了?Thank God!!!!<br /><br /><font color=\"#ff0000\">1月31日新增: TV guide (1月30日出版) 上有关于SWC 怀孕的报道</font><br /><br />基本上讲了2点。<br />1。制作人Paul Scheuring 说演员怀孕这个事不会被\"顺水推舟\"地写进剧本里。对于Sara在第三季里缺席的时段,制作方会对此拿出更有\"创意\"的脚本来。<br />2。主创人员也不会因为SWC怀孕而把Sara从剧中‘清理’掉。<br /><br /><br /><font color=\"#ff0000\">2月7日新增: Ausiello 专栏关于第三季的暴料:</font><br /><br />Ausiello: I neglected to mention last week that series creator Paul Scheuring also told me that a new female series regular will be added to the cast next season&#46; \"She is Michael\'s equal in terms of intelligence,\" he revealed of the not-yet-cast newbie&#46; \"And she would seem to be coming down on the side of good initially, but there will be questions [about] whether that\'s a facade&#46; And she\'ll be a love interest for one of our characters&#46;\" (My guess? Pucker up, Linc!) Scheuring also spilled that \"90 percent\" of the conspiracy will (thankfully) be wrapped up by the end of this season&#46; \"The audience will definitely get closure&#46; It\'ll feel like this is the endgame of the story, and yet there will be a few unanswered questions&#46;\"<br /><br />主创人Paul Scheuring 说到第三季里会增添一个常驻的女性角色。在智商上她跟Michael不相上下。看起来她似乎是站在兄弟俩这一边的,但是她真实意图到底如何,我们还要拭目以待。同时她还会跟一个角色发生感情(希望是指Linc 大哥。。。)。<br /><br />尽管第二季结束时会留下几个未解决的问题,但是“政府阴谋”这条故事线会在第二季基本上收拢完结。<br /></font><br /></span></p><p><span class=\"tpc_content\"></span></p><p><span class=\"tpc_content\"><span class=\"tpc_content\"><font size=\"2\">第18集: \"Wash\"<br />消息来源: TWoP<br /><br />1月9日新增:<br /><br />Cooper Green: A distinguished man, around 50 or so, Pincus is a former Deputy Attorney General who opposes Carolyn Reynolds and would love to see her career in ruins&#46; An honest government official, he agrees to meet with Bruce and Sara, and views the tape that exonerates Lincoln&#46; But after noting that the tape is a copy, and is utterly useless as far as its timestamp is concerned, he subtly suggests that they use the tape to blackmail Carolyn into issuing a Presidential pardon -- because it\'s useless in court but useful as a lever to pressure Caroline&#46;&#46;&#46;RECURS IN EPISODE #219, SHOOTING 1/26 - 2/6 <br />Cooper Green(年约50岁)是一个对总统Carolyn Reynolds不满的前任执行司法部长。他同意见bruce 和sara, 看了那个可以赦免lincoln的带子。但是意识到那卷带子是拷贝,而且在时间上也没有任何证据价值时,他婉转地建议用它来威胁总统,让她发布赦免状。因为这卷带子在法庭上毫无用处。<br /><br />\"Fake\" Cooper Green: In his mid 50s, friendly looking, he initially appears to be former Deputy Attorney General Pincus Brown, and is treated with profound suspicion by Michael and Linc&#46; Taken on a wild goose chase that\'s designed to strip him of all surveillance, a weary, wet, bedraggled Pincus is finally deemed trustworthy enough to merit delivery of the incriminating tape -- but he makes one fatal little slip, and is exposed as a Fake Pincus<br />假冒“Cooper Green”,约50岁。Michael/linc没有轻易相信这个自称是前任司法部长的人。一番斗智斗勇之后,兄弟俩消除了戒心,打算把那卷带子交给他---但是这时他犯了一个致命的错误,露出了马脚。<br /><br />Kristine Kellerman: A pretty Caucasian woman in her late 20s to early 30s, Kellerman\'s (played by Paul Adelstein) sister, Kristine is a goodhearted woman who works for a Greenpeace-style organization, and is trying to save the world, one plankton at a time&#46; A touchy-feely type who is the extreme opposite of her ice-blooded, stomp-the-whales brother, she\'s utterly astonished when Kellerman shows up out of the blue, like the phantom he is&#46; Still hurt that her brother didn\'t show up for Dad\'s funeral, she shares a horrific childhood with Kellerman -- but unlike her brother, Kristine is out to leave the world a better place than she found it&#46; She\'s amazed and probably worried as hell when Kellerman shows a sliver of emotion and hints that he\'s saying goodbye before committing a crime the world will be talking about for decades&#46;<br />Kristine Kellerman 是kellerman的妹妹(!!!!)&#46;大概20大几,30出头的年纪。心地善良,为一个类似绿色和平组织的机构工作。她对哥哥的突然到访很吃惊。她觉得kellerman 似乎在暗示他接下来要搞出个让后人念念不忘的大事件来,<br /><br />Dr&#46; Erik Stammel: Early to mid 40s, Caucasian, a man wearing wire-frame John Lennon glasses, he is a therapist who advertises on bus stop benches, and he is remarkably similar in looks to T-Bag (Robert Knepper); they have the same build, coloring and facial structure -- they could be brothers or at least cousins&#46; An earnest, empathetic man, he has no clue that T-Bag has booked a session with him but intends to bludgeon him to death and take his identity&#46;<br />Dr&#46; Erik Stammel 是个心理医生,长得跟t-bag 很象。T-bag 打算干掉他,冒名顶替。<br /><br />STORY LINE: Michael and Linc try to pass along vital information to government official Cooper Green; Kellerman prepares for the Hit Of A Lifetime; C-Note is pressured to hang himself; Sucre\'s idyllic new life in Mexico is destined to be interrupted&#46;&#46;&#46;<br />故事情节:michael/linc试图把重要的信息交给政府官员Cooper Green<br />Kellerman 准备大干一仗。<br />c-note 无奈要上吊&#46;<br />sucre在墨西哥的自在生活被打搅了。<br /><br /><font color=\"#ff0000\">2月20日新增:</font><br />1&#46; FOX官方预告片:<br /><a href=\"http://www&#46;youtube&#46;com/watch?v=WiUFwkRrjcc\" target=\"_blank\">http://www&#46;youtube&#46;com/watch?v=WiUFwkRrjcc</a><br /><br />2&#46; 剧情片段:LJ总算出现了!<br /><a href=\"http://www&#46;fox&#46;com/amex/\" target=\"_blank\">http://www&#46;fox&#46;com/amex/</a></font><br /><br /></span></span></p>

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-2 22:09:20 | 显示全部楼层
<p><span class=\"tpc_content\"><font size=\"2\"><font color=\"#ff0000\">第19集:Sweet Caroline (“Sweet Caroline” 是 Neil Diamond的一首老歌)</font><br /><br />播出日期:3月5日<br /><br />从这一集的标题来看,女总统终于要出现了?<br /><br />扮演她的演员Patricia Wettig 在1月25日tvguide 上的采访里提到:<br />Wettig: I\'m doing a couple of voice-overs off camera for a couple [of shows]&#46; Then I\'m doing an episode [where I\'ll be on screen], and I believe it\'s a scene with Wentworth [Miller, who plays Michael]&#46; I have not seen the script&#46;<br />这么看来,她会先“献声”,后“现身”(尽管露脸只有1集)。而且西太后跟我们的 michael 终于要面对面过招了!!!哦耶!!!!!<br /><br />twop上的四张剧本。链接是别人贴的,请勿热链。<br /><a href=\"http://img&#46;photobucket&#46;com/albums/0903/Jenzy/219%20sides/pg1&#46;png\" target=\"_blank\">http://img&#46;photobucket&#46;com/albums/0903/Jenzy/219%20sides/pg1&#46;png</a><br /><a href=\"http://img&#46;photobucket&#46;com/albums/0903/Jenzy/219%20sides/pg2&#46;png\" target=\"_blank\">http://img&#46;photobucket&#46;com/albums/0903/Jenzy/219%20sides/pg2&#46;png</a><br /><a href=\"http://img&#46;photobucket&#46;com/albums/0903/Jenzy/219%20sides/pg3&#46;png\" target=\"_blank\">http://img&#46;photobucket&#46;com/albums/0903/Jenzy/219%20sides/pg3&#46;png</a><br /><a href=\"http://img&#46;photobucket&#46;com/albums/0903/Jenzy/219%20sides/pg4&#46;png\" target=\"_blank\">http://img&#46;photobucket&#46;com/albums/0903/Jenzy/219%20sides/pg4&#46;png</a><br /><br />内容我还没有仔细看,主要是linc找以前的一个相识帮他买三张船票。<br /><br /><font color=\"#ff0000\">2月17日新增:FOX的官方剧情梗概:</font><br /><br />As Kellerman prepares for an assassination, Michael is determined to confront the President and expose her secrets recorded on the audiotape&#46; Mahone plays a tense waiting game with Sarah&#46; T-Bag’s lost luggage may prove a windfall for Bellick and Sucre&#46; C-Note’s drastic actions leave him hanging<br /><br />Kellerman 准备暗杀总统,而Michael 决心要跟总统正面交锋,揭穿她在录音带上的秘密。Mahone 盯着Sara等待机会。T-bag 丢失的行李可能成了Bellick 和小苏的一笔意外之财。C-note 意外大胆的举动让他。。。上吊/挂了(?)<br /><br /><font color=\"#ff0000\">2月27日新增:</font><br />第19集预告片:<br /><a href=\"http://www&#46;youtube&#46;com/watch?v=6b-4WckHxw4\" target=\"_blank\">http://www&#46;youtube&#46;com/watch?v=6b-4WckHxw4</a><br />michael 说:\"If anything happens, I love you both&#46;\" <img src=\"http://sfile&#46;ydy&#46;com/bbs/image/post/smile/cry&#46;gif\" /> <img src=\"http://sfile&#46;ydy&#46;com/bbs/image/post/smile/cry&#46;gif\" /> <br /><br /><a href=\"http://www&#46;youtube&#46;com/watch?v=EQoMPSxWrLA\" target=\"_blank\">http://www&#46;youtube&#46;com/watch?v=EQoMPSxWrLA</a><br />Linc 找旧相识买船票<br /><br /><font color=\"#ff0000\">3月1日新增:</font><br />剧照。请勿热链图片!<br /><img src=\"http://farm1&#46;static&#46;flickr&#46;com/153/407765344_6645f2a71f_o&#46;jpg\" border=\"0\" /><br /></font><br /></span></p><p><span class=\"tpc_content\"><span class=\"tpc_content\"><font size=\"2\"><font color=\"#ff0000\">第20集: \"anama\"</font><br />消息来源: TWOP<br />Mid 20s to early 30s, an attractive Mexican prostitute who speaks heavily <br />accented English, she has a tryst with T-Bag, who has dressed her up to <br />look as much like his lost love, Susan, as possible&#46; But when Chi-Chi breaks <br />the mood to ask for more mo<br /><br />STORY LINE: Michael and Lincoln wind up in Panama on the brink of a new <br />life, but for Michael, the cost of freedom -- separation from Sara -- has <br />been too dear&#46;&#46;&#46;<br />T-BAG 和一个墨西哥妓女。。。<br />Michael 和 Lincoln到了巴拿马(!),但是对Michael来说,自由的代价--跟 Sara 分离--太沉重了。。。<br /><br /><br /><font color=\"#ff0000\">2月8日新增</font><br />From The_Man:<br />ep 20 begins&#46;&#46;right were 19 ends, but then it jumps ahead about a week&#46; &#46;&#46;&#46;sara kind of gives herself up so mike and linc can get away&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;and there is a reason ep 20 is called Panama&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;several different paths will cross in Panama&#46;<br /><br />[Sara] is being followed to so she can lead them to mike and linc, she realizes <br />this and stops and lets mahone catch up to her&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;so mike and linc can <br />get away&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;<br /><br />第20集的情节紧接着19集开场,然后时间上往前跳了一周的样子。有人跟踪Sara,试图由她找到兄弟俩。她意识到这一点之后停了下来,故意让Mahone 赶上来抓住了她,而Michael/Linc得以脱身。<br /><br />这一集叫\"anama\"是有含义的(废话!)。几条故事线会汇合在在Panama。</font><br /><br /><br /></span></span></p><p><span class=\"tpc_content\"></span></p>

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-2 22:10:25 | 显示全部楼层
<p><span class=\"tpc_content\"><font size=\"3\"><font color=\"#ff0000\">第21集: Fin Del Camino</font> (西班牙文翻译过来就是 \"The End of the Road\")<br /><br />消息来源:twop EarthMomma 贴出来的小部分剧本:<br /><br />INT&#46; CHICAGO – COURTROOM – DAY<br /><br />A bailiff leads a cuffed, somber Sara back into court through a side door&#46; A sympathetic Marty is already at the defense table&#46; As Sara is uncuffed:<br /><br />MARTY (with kid gloves): Okay, this is how the plea will go down&#46; This judge will need you to allocate to the charges&#46; He’ll ask you if you intentionally left the door unlocked… you’ll say yes&#46;<br /><br />Sara just nods, wide-eyed – this is really happening&#46;<br /><br />MARTY (CONT’D): He’ll ask if you gave support and comfort to Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows since their escape… you’ll say yes&#46;<br /><br />Sara nods again&#46;<br /><br />MARTY (CONT’D): The sentence will be handed down immediately&#46; Twelve years&#46; With good behavior you can be out –<br /><br />SARA: -- Just before I turn forty&#46;<br /><br />MARTY: I’m sorry, Sara&#46;<br /><br />Just then the courtroom doors open and Junior Counsel hurries in&#46; He looks… excited?<br /><br />JUNIOR ATTORNEY: Marty, Sara… you ready for this?<br /><br />SARA: What?<br /><br />JUNIOR ATTORNEY: A very credible witness just came forward and he’s willing to testify; he’ll corroborate everything you’ve said about this conspiracy&#46;<br /><br />SARA: Who?<br /><br />sara 准备上法庭。律师叫她承认她当初是故意没有锁门,同时还为michael/linc 提供了帮助。法官的量刑会是12年。这时一个“有效”的证人出现了,他愿意出庭证明sara关于阴谋的说词都是真的&#46;<br /><br /><font color=\"#ff0000\">THE_MAN 给出的第21集零星剧情</font><br /><br />a character will try to commit suicide&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46; 有一个角色想自杀<br />michael will team up with sucre and one other person&#46;&#46;&#46;Michael, Sucre和另外一个人组团&#46;<br />bellick will get arrested for murder&#46;&#46;&#46; Bellick 因为谋杀被逮捕<br />michael and sucre confront t-bag to get the money&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;Michael, Sucre 为了拿回五百万,跟T-Bag 干上了,<br />sara faces trial&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;Sara要上法庭受审<br />mahone catches up to lincoln&#46;&#46;Mahone赶上了Linc<br /><br /><font color=\"#ff0000\">2月25日新增:<br />The Man 给出的更多零星爆料(情节分散在几集剧情中):</font><br /><br />8 end up in panama&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;not prison&#46; but yes sara does get her charges dropped&#46;&#46;&#46;the people who eventually end up in Panama are MS, LB, FS, AM, BB, TB, BK, ST&#46;&#46;i listed them by initials&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;and they don\'t all end up there at the same time<br /><br />前后一共有8个角色分别到达了巴拿马:Michael, Linc, 小苏,Mahone, Bellick, T-bag, 特工Kim, 还有还有。。。Sara!!!!!!!<br />Sara所受的指控被撤销了。</font><br /></span></p><p><span class=\"tpc_content\"><span class=\"tpc_content\"><u /><font size=\"2\"><font color=\"#ff0000\">第2季大结局 (第22集): Sona (巴拿马的一个地名)</font><br />(第2季一共只有22集&#46; 那个加拍到26集的消息只是谣言)<br />TWOP上的PBlover给出了Sona的地理位置。<br /><a href=\"http://www&#46;fallingrain&#46;com/world/PM/10/Sona&#46;html\" target=\"_blank\">http://www&#46;fallingrain&#46;com/world/PM/10/Sona&#46;html</a><br /><br />消息来源:twop<br /><br />DEJESUS- In his 30s, this menacing and armed Panamanian drug smuggler is initially highly suspicious when Michael drops by his hideout in search of a favor&#46; However, when he realizes who Michael really is, and how richly he will be compensated, he\'s more than willing to cooperate in Michael\'s ingenious scheme&#46;<br />DEJESUS是一个三十来岁的巴拿马毒贩。Michael 一开始找他帮忙时,他对michael 很怀疑。但是当他意识到michael 是谁,同时报酬会是多么丰厚之后,他乐意协助michael 的天才计划。<br /><br />CHACO- This 15-17 year old Panamanian kid hangs out on the docks, <br />peddling everything from soda to magic mushrooms&#46; He gives Michael a lead on where to find some drug smugglers&#46;<br />CHACO是个15-17岁的巴拿马少年。他告诉michael 上哪里可以找到毒贩。<br /><br />STORY LINE: Just when it appears that Michael is on the verge of <br />freedom, fate plays a cruel trick that gets him thrown into Sona -- the most deplorable prison in the Caribbean&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;<br />故事梗概:就在自由几乎触手可及的时候,命运跟 Michael开了个残酷的玩笑:他被投进了Sona ---加勒比海最可怕的一个监狱。<br /><br /><font color=\"#ff0000\">2月24日新增:部分剧本<br /><u>相册是别人的,请自行转存,不要热链</u>。</font><br /><a href=\"http://forums&#46;televisionwithoutpity&#46;com/index&#46;php?showtopic=3140523&st=375\" target=\"_blank\">http://forums&#46;televisionwithoutpity&#46;com/index&#46;php?showtopic=3140523&st=375</a><br /><br />这几张剧本中包括michael给sara的一个电话留言:<br />“I can only assume the worst&#46; This’ll be the last message I leave&#46; I made it&#46; Sort of empty without you, to be honest&#46; A lot empty&#46; \"<br />--我只能设想你那边发生了最坏的事。这是我的最后一次留言。我到了(巴拿马)。但是没有你在这里,说实话,我只觉得很空虚。</font></span></span></p><p><span class=\"tpc_content\"><span class=\"tpc_content\"><font size=\"2\"><font color=\"#ff0000\">The Man 给出的零星剧透:<br /><br /></font>The name Sona does refer to the prison in Panama&#46; “Sona” 的确是指巴拿马的监狱。<br /><br />And yes Michael does end up in there, but he is not alone&#46; Michael 的确落进了这个监狱,但是他还有个伴。<br /><br />One character dies in this episode&#46; 一个角色在这一集里挂了。<br /><br />Two other characters appear to be dead, but won\'t be revealed if the really are until season 3&#46; 另外还有两个角色“似乎”要挂了,但是观众要等到第三季才能知道他们真正的命运。<br /><br />Of the four remaining escapees, two are in prison and two are not&#46;&#46;&#46;obviously one of those in prison is Michael&#46; 逃亡小分队剩下的四个人(michael/linc/t-bag/小苏)里,有两个落进了监狱(其中一个是michael),另外两个没有。<br /><br />And Sara gets good news&#46; Sara的处境有了转机。<br /><br /></font><font size=\"2\"><font color=\"#ff0000\">2月25日新增:<br />The Man 给出的更多零星爆料(情节分散在几集剧情中):</font><br /><br />8 end up in panama&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;not prison&#46; but yes sara does get her charges dropped&#46;&#46;&#46;the people who eventually end up in Panama are MS, LB, FS, AM, BB, TB, BK, ST&#46;&#46;i listed them by initials&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;and they don\'t all end up there at the same time<br /><br /><font color=\"#ff0000\">前后一共有8个角色分别到达了巴拿马:Michael, Linc, 小苏,Mahone, Bellick, T-bag, 特工Kim, 还有还有。。。Sara!!!!!!!</font><br />Sara所受的指控被撤销了。<br /><br /><font color=\"#ff0000\">3月1日新增 (from forums&#46;fox&#46;com):</font><br /><br />Michael and Sara have a brief reunion in ep&#46;22 before he is caught and taken to Sona, the prison, with one other escapee&#46;<br /><br />Sara 和Michael 在第22集里在巴拿马短暂地团聚了。然后他就被扔进了监狱!!</font><br /><br /><br /></span></span></p><p><span class=\"tpc_content\"></span></p>

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-3-3 08:50:28 | 显示全部楼层

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