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[欧美剧] 【罗马第2季-Rome.Season2】【0404第二季10集全】【HDTV-RMVB/2.39G

发表于 2007-3-15 14:41:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
123_100_671fcdb64d491f6.jpg 2.jpg 中文名称:罗马 第二季英文名称:Rome Season 2 发行时间:2007年01月14日导演:Michael Apted    Allen Coulter    Julian Farino    Jeremy Podeswa    Alan Poul    Mikael Salomon    Steve Shill    Alan Taylor    Timothy Van Patten 地区:美国,英国语言:英语简介: Half a century before the dawn of Christianity, Rome has become the wealthiest city in the world, a cosmopolitan metropolis of one million people — epicenter of a sprawling empire. Founded on principles of shared power and fierce personal competition, the Republic was created to prevent any one man from seizing absolute control. It is a society where soldiers can rise up from provincial commoners to become national heroes, even leaders of the Republic. But as the ruling class became extravagantly wealthy, the foundations have crumbled, eaten away by corruption and excess, and the old values of Spartan discipline and social unity have given way to a great chasm between the classes. A richly layered look at history and the building of an empire, 'Rome' sets the stage for modern politics — infighting, corruption, party lines and the struggle to define collective values. "Human nature never changes," says creator Bruno Heller. "We see the same problems today — crime, unemployment, disease, and the struggle for social mobility and the pressure to preserve your place in a precarious society." An intimate drama of love and betrayal, masters and slaves, and husbands and wives, 'Rome' chronicles the epic times that saw the fall of a Republic and the creation of an empire. The second season debuts Sunday, January 14th, 9pm ET/PT, exclusively on HBO. A joint production between HBO and the BBC, 'Rome' was created by John Milius, William Macdonald and Bruno Heller. The series is shot throughout Italy and boasts the largest standing film set in the world, comprising five acres of backlot and six soundstages at the world-famous Cinecittà Studios. Writers for Season Two include Bruno Heller, Scott Buck, Todd Ellis Kessler, Mere Smith, and Eoghan Mahony. Directors include Tim Van Patten (HBO's "Sex and the City"), Allen Coulter (HBO's "The Sopranos"), Alan Poul (HBO's "Six Feet Under"), Adam Davidson, Alik Sakharov, Robert Young, John Maybury, Carl Franklin and Steve Shill (HBO's "The Wire"). Among the actors starring in Rome's second season are Kevin McKidd ("Kingdom of Heaven") as Lucius Vorenus, Ray Stevenson ("King Arthur") as Titus Pullo, Polly Walker ("atriot Games") as Atia of the Julii, James Purefoy ("Vanity Fair") as Mark Antony, Tobias Menzies ("Foyle's War") as Marcus Junius Brutus, Lindsay Duncan ("Under the Tuscan Sun") as Servilia of the Junii, and Kerry Condon ("Angela's Ashes") as Octavia of the Julii. (Alexiao@TLF原创)公元前52年,罗马共和国建立400年后,罗马已经成为世界上最富有的城市,是拥有100万人口的世界性大都市,也是雏形中的帝国的中心。罗马共和国是建立在分享权利和激烈的个人竞争的基础上的,从来不允许搞个人独裁。但这些共和国的原则基石正在腐败的弥漫和道德的沦丧下逐渐崩溃。统治阶级穷奢极欲、挥霍无度,传统的斯巴达人的戒律和团结已经荡然无存。阶级矛盾恶化,法律和行政体系日渐削弱,权力逐渐被控制在军方手中。 8年后,凯撒完成了对高卢的野蛮征服,凯旋回到罗马。随他而来的是骁勇善战并高度忠诚于他的军团,数量惊人的奴隶、黄金和其他战利品,还有一项极力推进激烈社会变革的民粹主义的议程。贵族们为此惊恐不已,他们威胁说如果凯撒胆敢返回罗马,他们就将以战争罪起诉他。双方力量的制衡点落在了元老院上,而凯撒的老朋友、导师Pompey Magnus在元老院中享有最高的地位。就在这个关头,凯撒第13军团的两名战士Lucius Vorenus和Titus Pullo被命令去高卢的荒野中找回被偷的军团军旗,这是保证凯撒军团统一指挥行动的标志,他俩也因此被卷入了一场改变古罗马命运的历史事件中。这是一部反映爱与背叛、统治者与奴隶、丈夫与妻子的摄人内心的电视剧,也是一部再现共和国衰落和帝国兴起的多卷罗马史诗这是HBO和BBC的第一次合作的长系列剧,也是BBC在美国投入最多的系列剧之一,2001年两大电视网曾合作拍摄过短系列剧“兄弟连Band of Brothers " "你将在屏幕上看到一个最详尽复杂和多姿多彩的古罗马,”联合制作人、执行导演及编剧Bruno Heller说,“它就像墨西哥城和加尔各答一样熙熙攘攘,充满生机,而不是一个布满白色大理石的虚假外景,罗马既是色彩明快的,也是一个非常冷酷的,它充满了活力、动力,同时也充满了混乱、堕落。人们毫无怜悯心地自相残杀,一小撮精英阶层高高在上,而大量的人群却生活在赤贫状态中。我们如今的社会也存在同样的问题:犯罪、失业、疾病和保持社会地位的压力。如果你很聪明的话,还有向上攀附的潜力。” “人性永远不会改变”,Heller继续谈到,“古罗马所书写的历史,从一个戏剧化的角度来看,说明古罗马人是一群完全不受束缚的人,他们缺乏一个世俗化的上帝来告诫他们什么是对,什么是错,应该如何做。他们的行为完全靠个人的道德水准来限制,行为的对错完全依靠你的权力大小和社会地位来判断。你甚至可以随意杀死你的邻居,抢妻夺子,只要你高他们一等。仁慈被嘲弄,残忍成了美德,个人的荣耀,对家人和自己的忠诚成了最大的追求。”

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-15 14:42:16 | 显示全部楼层




使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-3-15 16:14:02 | 显示全部楼层
罗马是一部好片   先谢谢老大的分享   请问大大能提供第一季的全集吗?谢谢
在这里 小弟再提出一下   最好能成立欧美剧完季区
把越狱1  LOST1   24小时12345   犯罪12。。等等都放在完季区
这样欧美版区更丰富更成熟      希望老大们考虑采用   谢谢

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-3-16 15:04:09 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-3-18 23:50:49 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-19 10:47:42 | 显示全部楼层
01-------08 OK

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发表于 2007-3-25 12:09:53 | 显示全部楼层
01---09 ok  [s:16]  [s:16]

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-4 08:43:15 | 显示全部楼层
01-------10 OK

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发表于 2007-4-8 20:18:57 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-5-28 10:22:32 | 显示全部楼层

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